Sitali Breath

Sitali breathing is the "yogic air conditioning."   This breath cools the body as well as calms the nervous system.  I encourage you to use this breath through the hottest days of summer. If you don't possess the genes to roll your tongue don't worry.  I have an alternate version for you to try with the same results!


Now we practice:

  • Find a comfortable seat

  • Sit up tall, extending your spine and lifting through the top of your head.

  • Stick out your tongue and roll it into a taco shape

  • Imagine your tongue is a straw and sip in the air around you over your tongue and into your mouth

  • Exhale through your nose, while keeping your tongue where it is

  • Repeat this pattern of inhaling over the tongue and out through the nose until you feel the cooling senstation.

  • Continue as long as you’d like. Recommended 5-15 minutes


For those who can’t roll the tongue, you have not been forgotten!  You will practice Sitkari breath instead. 

  • Follow first 2 steps above.

  • Instead of sticking out your tongue you will part your lips and press your tongue to the back of your teeth. 

  • Inhalation will be through your teeth over your tongue.

  • Exhalation is through your nose.

  • Follow all the same timings for Sitali above.

Happy breathing!


Yoga Nidra


Ksepana Mudra